Friday, November 07, 2008

Though work maybe a bit slow right now i am thankful. I'm here sitting on my pretty blue couch in my house i want to sell ( not because i don't love it - because of location) and i am thankful. For my pretty big windows where the light just pours in. For the lovely yard that seems to sing with life and colour and warmth. thankful for the time i have that i can sit in peace. Literally feel peace. And that says a lot - cause i'm a pretty stressful person- i get anxious and stressed about the littlest things - it's quite silly. But i have this great peace- cause God is in control. I have this great peace cause i know everyday is a beautiful gift. Come January my time at home will not be as much as i'd like - though i won't be away as much as other moms- i'm blessed for sure- but still i'll be working more - so i have this great time to enjoy my home, my family and my husband. To enjoy this awesome gift. Yes i could sit here and complain how i wanna work i need to work and what all i could do - etc. And trust me i've done that - I've fought with God so much - ever seen a kid through a fit and the parents try to hold them to calm them down- Yeah i'm that kid most of the time- But i finally had enough fighting - got tired and said ok - fine - even if i'm not too thrilled i'm gotta act thrilled till i am thrilled. Trust me i still have my moments and it's everything i can do to not go off the deep end with every kind of thought - Anyways I'm greatful that i get this oh so precious time with Riley. I maybe busy in Jan and i will really enjoy it . But i am also really enjoying the fact that i can sit on my couch and read. and read. I can do my bible study when i want. I don't really have to be anywhere- What a rare moment for anyone- we are such a nation of go go go busy busy busy that we don't take time to just sit. I had the must wonderful time yesterday sitting on the porch with my pup and with my God . Sitting and enjoying his creation. Such a rare time . 
I am trying to take advantage of this time - cause i know it won't be long till i might get lost again in the business of things and the rush of it all and i get lost . But i want to take the time now so when that rush comes - i don't get lost. - i feel i've rambled way too much- hopefully this has made some sense. 

By the way Riley is doing a great job with potty training- the main reason she hasn't been trained yet was because of me - i was too busy to just take time out to help her...... sad. 
But she is doing awesome. I am oh so proud of my big girl. 

Riley is up from her nap and i think there are somethings i need to do around the house before david gets home- We are going out on a DATE! yes a DATE! we haven't been on a date in a very long time - it will be so nice to be able to spend time together and to be able to go eat somewhere - to sit down and have a meal - break bread together-   

back to life. 
thanks for reading. 

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