Thursday, January 31, 2008

the wind keeps howling against my window like a wolf. Mondays and Thursdays are usually my most trying days -expecially thursday. I clean. But tonight i won't be alone again- dave's class got canceled - nice gift. Waiting on the Lord. sitting on the edge of my seat in anticipation.
I get a wonderful gift this weekend - i get to get away with my husband for the weekend - - with school and work he's always busy.theres always that issue of time. It'll be nice to goof off together and not have to worry about what we have to do next. But for now it's Time to make lunch.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

there is no greater joy at this moment than my duaghter calling me on the phone- yes calling me -she asks someone to dial of course - and begging me to come home - sometimes she will add to bing something. We've been baking a lot together lately.
Life is generally good i suppose- there are up and down moments- the dreary weather doesn't help- i crave those moments of sunshine cause there is so much gloom lately. But i do love a good reason to curl up in a blanket in the morning with riley and jsut sit together while we watch bunnytown or something else ammusing.
Relying on God for pretty much all my needs which is where i think i need to be. Knowing htat he is the ultimate provider and ultimately i have no control and he provides everything in my life- everything. and its nice that i can rest in that. i can give it all to him-0 i can give my worries to him and i should not even worry it is a silly thing cause he is in control and he is perfect he is my abba my father my provider my creator he is perfect holy and good. I think that is why i find so much joy in my job - that he provides ever aspect of that job- the people the opportunities the money - all of it. that i have no other choice than to trust him.

Looking forward to tomorrow morning when my riley bear wakes up and wants to drag me out of bed to make her breakfeast. i love this age.