Thursday, April 02, 2009

- i'm starting to give into this whole posting pictures thing......

I just got to use my new food processor and man am i in love. I got it to use for my projects and also because a lot of vegan recipes call for blending . And this one works like a dream .

I tend to get these ideas or passions to do things and what happens is i wanna do em all at once, and well david hates it cause sometimes i'll have the best of intentions to make something or eat something and the ingredients just sit there and it never happens- he hates it .
So now i tend to just do one at a time i have a new project to make each week - i've learned.
This week was bubble tea - oh how i love bubble tea.
Now david really thought this was a bad idea and was not convinced that i would do it.
Oh will he be so happy when he gets home.
Those little things at the bottom of the tea are tapioca pearls- i also made the sugar syrup that goes in the tea as well.
Mine was a mango tea. and it is delicious.
Tomorrow i may do it again since i have the supplies already made.

Tonight we're also going to make some vegan kung pao chicken to take with me tomorrow for a fellowship dinner.

It feels really good to do things - like make bubble tea and cook..
I like this whole being at home thing with Riley it's very much a gift.

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